Jessica Gonifas

Jessica Gonifas photo

Jessica has lived in Evans for 5 years and worked for the City of Evans for 3 1/2 years.

She has been a Certified Public Accountant for 6 years and has over 15 years of experience in accounting.

Jessica has a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting from Montana State University – Billings.

She started her career in public accounting and moved into state government working for the Gambling Control Division in Montana for about two years. Swift & Company brought her to Colorado where she worked on the SEC reporting team filing 10-K’s and 10-Q’s for the company. Her experience in public accounting, state government, and private sector gives her a wide range of technical experience to pull from in local government.

Jessica was nominated as Northern Colorado Business Reports 40 under 40 in 2009.

She serves on the leadership team for an adoption support group at her Church (Christ Community) and has organized a group in Northern Colorado for biracial families created through adoption.

Jessica has been married for 5 years and has three children, Isabella who is 11, Nicholas who is 3, and David who is 2. She and her husband adopted David from Ethiopia about a year ago. She is originally from Montana and LOVES Colorado. She and her husband enjoy hiking and being involved in their kids’ activities.

Jessica is heavily involved in her Church, specifically the Forever Families adoption group. She and her husband spend time advocating and educating others about the orphans crisis in our world today.